Learn the facts from Breast Imaging Radiologist Dr. Jennifer Dimovski

When it comes to breast cancer and early detection, some may not know the difference between myth and fact. We’re committed to raising awareness and advocating for your breast health! There’s one thing we know for sure – annual screening mammograms save more lives.
We’ve teamed up with one of our resident breast health experts to give you the facts on the subject. Jennifer Dimovski, MD is a radiologist with Charlotte Radiology Breast Services and is board-certified and subspecialized in breast imaging/mammography.
We’ve gone straight to the source to ask Dr. Dimovski the truth about common misconceptions around breast cancer risk and the best way to detect it early.
1 in 8 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer over the course of her lifetime
Dr. Dimovski: “FACT! A woman in the U.S. has a 13% ‘lifetime risk’ of developing breast cancer, meaning that’s a woman’s absolute risk of developing breast cancer during her lifetime. While this statistic represents an average for the whole population, factors like family history, breast density, and race/ethnicity may increase or decrease an individual woman’s breast cancer risk. If you’re age 40 and older, don’t delay care, getting an annual mammogram is the best way to detect breast cancer early when it can be better treated.”
A 3D mammogram is the same as a 2D mammogram
Dr. Dimovski: “MYTH! 3D mammography, also known as digital breast tomosynthesis or ‘tomo’, is a more advanced imaging technology compared to a 2D mammogram. During a 3D mammogram, X-ray images of the breast are acquired at different angles and then reconstructed into multiple thin high-resolution ‘slices’ for the radiologist to review on a workstation. A 3D mammogram allows for greater definition of breast tissue and enhanced accuracy in detecting small breast cancers that may have been otherwise hidden by dense breast tissue on a 2D mammogram. Many studies have shown improved cancer detection rates and lower recall rates with 3D mammography. These are reasons why Charlotte Radiology offers 3D mammograms as the standard of care for all patients.”
Find your reason for making breast health a priority and be sure to schedule your annual screening mammogram. We make it safe, convenient, and easy to fit your annual screening into your already busy life. With 16 breast centers, extended hours, and weekend appointments at select locations, and online scheduling, we can help you stay on track.